Terms 1-4

Tips via Subject



  • Listen to the professor, when reviewing, say things out loud and find it on your own body so you can visualize better
  • Active recall via flashcards, anki, quizzing yourself with a partner

  • Use Michigan anatomy site for active learning!

  • Resources: 100 concepts of anatomy, Texas Tech, Boards and Beyond

Behavioral Science


  • Know ethics really well, it’ll help you down the road for comp and Step!

  • Use Kaplan or boards and beyond for content review 

  • Practice questions are the best way to learn and see the different ethical scenarios!



  • Boards and Beyond for content review paired with anki for active recall
  • Focus on diseases: enzyme affected, precursor for enzymes, etc. – know different ways they can ask about the same things
  • Dirty Medicine mnemonics!
    • https://www.youtube.com/c/DirtyMedicine 
  • Textbook: Lippincott, USMLE-Rx, Kaplan



  • This class is extremely visual and vocabulary-heavy. Watching outside videos like Ninja Nerd or Dirty Medicine has been very helpful in visualizing the concepts.
  • Making flashcards for the terminology and defects in development is helpful in order to make a mental progression of the process.
  • Focus on the small pieces of information, like the development of a single structure, and over time the small pieces will come together in big concepts.
  • Resources: BRS for questions, Texas tech questions



  • Read and re-read the slides, paying special attention to the images.

  • Practice questions are good once you feel like you understand the content – Junquiera has great questions.

  • Lippincott textbooks are another great resource, and will help you familiarize yourself with the types of images you might see on the NBME.

  • Take Histology seriously! It will help you with Pathology down the road.



  • Kaplan immunology lecture videos, USMLE-Rx Bricks for immuno, or read the textbook

  • Questions: Kaplan or USMLE-Rx



  • Sketchy, sketchy, sketchy!

  • Practice questions from USMLE-Rx or Kaplan



  • For context watch boards and beyond videos, read 100 neuro concepts, read BRS

  • For questions: Kaplan or USMLE-Rx

Pathology I


  • TONS of practice questions!!! (form a study group so you can hear other people’s thought processes!)

  • Read the Robbins textbook

  • Review the physiology behind very topic (the textbook does this well)

  • Recommended resources: Robbins, Lippincott, WebPath, First Aid, external+internal anki decks, Sketchy

Pathology II


  • Lots of practice questions

  • Participate in TBLs and laboratory sessions

  • Focus on the big picture of diseases

  • Recommended resources: Robins, Lippincott, First Aid

Pharmacology I & II


  • Do the questions from lecture that are provided in the slideshows

  • Textbook questions

  • Sketchy pharm all the way



  • First thing is first – use the professors’ slides to grasp the entire content

  • If a topic is uncertain, then use a video resource like Ninja Nerd

  • Once the content is solidified, do practice questions

    • Don’t try to do questions until you understand concepts otherwise, you will be very confused!

Kaplan Medical Institutional

A FREE resource provided by our school that has lecture videos for every subject/class and a qbank with 3500+ questions.


The creators of First Aid made this interactive website with a videos, flashcards, q-banks, and First Aid (digitally).

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