Medical School Requirements for International Students

Intl. Med Students

As the competition to secure a spot in a U.S. medical school becomes increasingly fierce, more students are setting their sights on alternative options. International medical schools are not only attracting Americans looking to continue their higher education in a smaller group setting; the opportunity attracts students from Canada, India, Turkey, Korea, and many other countries with a need for increased availability to better healthcare. Students world-wide are finding Trinity School of Medicine, a fully accredited medical university located in the Caribbean, to be the best alternative to U.S. medical school.

With small classes, highly-qualified and accessible faculty, and early clinical experience beginning in students’ very first term, Trinity offers a truly unique experience that is unrivaled by any other Caribbean medical school.

 Medical School Academic Requirements for International Students 

Many of the medical schools throughout the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean require international applicants to have a bachelor’s degree prior to matriculation. In the following sections, we’ll walk through some of the most common questions an international student may have about these requirements.

 Does It Matter Where the Applicant Obtained their Undergraduate Degree? 

Typically, the medical schools requiring applicants to have a bachelor’s degree only accept graduates from a Canadian or American institution. Therefore, a student who receives an undergraduate degree in any other country is usually not eligible to apply.

This is not the case at Trinity we accept qualified applicants from around the world.

 What Are Common Medical School Policies on Accepting International Students? 

Since medical schools in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean have differing policies in relation to accepting international students, applicants should visit the institution’s website and review their admissions policies prior to applying to any medical school.

The most common requirements:

 The Primary Medical School Application Process for International Students 

Most medical schools, including Trinity, simplify their application process by using the American Medical School Application Service (AMCAS®).

While international applicants use the AMCAS® to apply, this service cannot verify foreign coursework. In addition, the service is unable to accept foreign transcripts or transcripts that have been evaluated/translated unless an accredited post-secondary institution in the U.S., Canada, or a Territory of the United States, accepts the applicant’s foreign coursework.

After receiving the applicant’s coursework from an accredited post-secondary institution, AMCAS® verifies the courses and adds them to the applicant’s grade point average (GPA).

Courses that have not been accepted by an accredited post-secondary institution can still be added; however, since these courses are unable to be verified, an AMCAS® GPA is not calculated. The applicant may still be able to provide these transcripts with his or her secondary application.

 The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT®) 

The majority of medical schools in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean require that applicants take the MCAT®. While the results of this examination are important, Trinity School of Medicine takes a holistic approach to evaluating candidates for admission, considering factors such as research experience, academic accomplishments, and admissions interviews.

Several times a year, the MCAT® examination is administered in various locations throughout the United States as well as in some locations abroad. A list of the countries where testing is available and the dates the examination is offered can be found on the MCAT® information page at

 What Trinity Looks for in An International Student 

When considering an applicant, Trinity takes more into account than the applicant’s MCAT® score. For example, applicant accomplishments, volunteer experiences, and academic achievements are all factors to be considered when determining if the student is a good fit for Trinity School of Medicine.

While the majority of students at Trinity are citizens of the U.S. or Canada, we welcome applicants world-wide who meet the above requirements. If you are interested in attending a fully accredited medical university that will help you achieve success through personalized support, Trinity School of Medicine may be the school for you. Trinity is located in the beautiful Caribbean country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, which means that while pursuing your degree, you can enjoy warm weather all year long, breathtaking ocean views, and plenty of sun.

At Trinity, students’ success is our success. Our highly-qualified and credentialed educators and staff are committed to shaping their students into skilled and confident physicians. Trinity is proud to provide a setting where students can build relationships and benefit from the constant support only small class sizes and close peer groups provide.

Contact us today to learn more about Trinity School of Medicine.

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