Alumni Spotlight

Highlighting Trinity Family Successes


What Are The Most Popular Fields of Medicine? (Updated for 2023!)

This post was originally published in May of 2020 and has been updated to reflect the most recent National Residency Match Program (NRMP) data. Have you ever wondered what the most popular fields of medicine are? It’s hard to know since there are so many medical fields! There are dozens of medical specialties from which

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Student holding up a sign at Trinity March 2023

2023 Residency Report: From California to New York

Trinity is pleased to share the residency report for 2023! With an all-time residency attainment rate rising to 94% and placements in specialties such as Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Family and Internal Medicine, it’s clear that Trinity graduates continue to impress Residency Directors with their skills, determination, and passion for providing quality

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Medical residents meet with their team lead in between working with patients

What to Expect from Medical Residency

Residency is a time of great transition for medical students. It can be both exciting and overwhelming at the same time. It’s a time for learning, growth, and hard work. Many medical students find the transition intimidating, but with the right preparation and understanding of what to expect, it will be rewarding. In this blog

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The Match logo

2022 Match Report: Trinity Reaches New Milestones in Residency Placements

We are pleased to announce residency results for 2022! Once again, Trinity graduates continue to represent our school in placements at top healthcare institutions across the U.S. In addition to placements such as Anesthesiology at Duke and Child Neurology at Johns Hopkins, there will be nearly 100 other graduates representing Trinity throughout the country in

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How to Match Into Your Top Residency Program

Pursuing a career as a doctor is full of challenges that need to be met in order to realize your dream. One of these is being able to match into a residency program that is aligned with your goals and interests. Fortunately, Trinity School of Medicine provides its students with ample support and guidance including

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