Alumni Spotlight

Highlighting Trinity Family Successes


What Are The Most Popular Fields of Medicine? (Updated for 2023!)

This post was originally published in May of 2020 and has been updated to reflect the most recent National Residency Match Program (NRMP) data. Have you ever wondered what the most popular fields of medicine are? It’s hard to know since there are so many medical fields! There are dozens of medical specialties from which

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Medical student takes notes during clinical rotation

5 Essential Tips to Succeed During Clinical Rotations

As a medical student, clinical rotations can be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences you will have. Not only are you gaining valuable hands-on medical experience, but it’s also an opportunity to practice the skills you’re learning in school. However, with so much on your plate during this time, it can be hard

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Intl. Med Students

Medical School Requirements for International Students

As the competition to secure a spot in a U.S. medical school becomes increasingly fierce, more students are setting their sights on alternative options. International medical schools are not only attracting Americans looking to continue their higher education in a smaller group setting; the opportunity attracts students from Canada, India, Turkey, Korea, and many other

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2020 DO & MD Merge: Impact on Caribbean Med Students

This article has been updated to provide the greatest relevance & timeliness for our readers. It was originally published in June 2018. Previously, DO and MD residencies have been matched in separate processes. In 2020, there was a DO & MO  merge, becoming a single program. Today we’re going to dive into what that actually

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Trinity medical school students assist local patient by checking blood pressure

How Caribbean Medical Schools are Boosting Medical Careers

Many prospective students are just starting to learn about Caribbean medical education. They aren’t aware of the similarities or differences to studying at home, or even what it means to be an international medical graduate (IMG) practicing in the United States and Canada. Today, we’re going get into all the ways a Caribbean med school

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